
SonicaSMS – SMS management

SONICASMS can handle up to 4 GSM modems at the same time.

The software works with almost all GSM modem models on the market; The important thing is that the modem has its own memory and that it accepts the following AT command: AT + CMGF = 0.

The USB keys used by the major telephone providers are normally recognized by the software.

It can work with the SONICA database or with its own database for those who do not use SONICA for broadcasting.

The image above shows how SONICASMS – Reader manages previously read and archived messages.

Messages can be viewed by time, day, and hour.

It is foreseen to display all the SMSs of a certain sender.

In the second column, all the SMS received from the same phone number are highlighted with the red icons.

The above image shows the handling of new messages.

Those with the red ball are already read, those with the green ball are to be read and displayed and those with the yellow ball are already displayed but not read.

You can also configure the background color and text of the message selected to read and sort the columns.

By necessity you can print out the received SMS lists of a certain telephone number or a period.

SONICASMS also handles bad words that will not be displayed.

It can also be put into a BLACKLIST the phone numbers of unwanted senders; The software will automatically delete them.

Remember that SONICASMS can also be used by those who do not have our own SONICA direct control.

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